Saturday, March 6, 2021

Trade center engineer backs new collapse inquiry

February 2008
An international panel of experts should re-examine the collapses of the World Trade Center towers, says a retired engineering executive whose firm was a major contractor for the World Trade Center.

"On Sept. 11, I watched a live TV broadcast of the progressive collapse of the World Trade towers with disbelief, as the mass and the strength of the structure should have survived," reads a statement by Richard F. Humenn, former vice president of Joseph R. Loring and Associates, a major trade center contractor. Humenn endorsed a petition, being circulated by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, urging formation of such an investigative group.

Humenn, who specialized in electrical engineering, was listed as an alumnus of Brooklyn Polytechnic High School on one page I located, where his background with Loring as a 40-plus-year careerist was given.

(However, Google and other search engines were highly uncooperative prior to locating that page and when I tried to call it up again I got a replacement that said that Humenn was only listed in links. The search engine returned "no match" for Humenn even though a post about him appears. As I write this, a "security token" emblem shows up saying "your request could not be processed" -- almost as if to explain the computerized difficulties in verifying Humenn's background.

At any rate, Loring's website shows that it was a major contractor for the World Trade Center complex, having been "selected for the original electrical design" of the trade center in 1964; having conducted HVAC, fire protection and telecommunications maintenance for the entire life of the buildings; and having been responsible for extensive upgrading of various building systems.

I could not verify an online claim that Humenn was the trade center's top electrical engineer with 60 people working under him before his retirement in 1998 (a date that I could not check again after pages started vanishing), but the claim doesn't seem to be exaggerated in light of his position at Loring and in light of the firm's motto encouraging ambitious young engineers to progress inside the firm.

Humenn's statement (I was unable to view it directly at but found it reproduced at and at asserts that after viewing the video presentation given by Richard Gage, a founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Humenn became convinced that "fuel and planes alone could not bring down the towers" and urged that an international group of professionals investigate all "plausible causes for the virtual free fall and almost total destruction of the WTC structures."

One blogger reported that Humenn was nevertheless wary of the idea that the U.S. government plotted the destruction of the two major trade towers and Building 7 hours later.
World-famous biologist damns official story
January 24, 2010
Lynn Margulis, the world famous biologist, told a video audience that the U.S. government's 9/11 investigations were junk science. "You can’t do science when you are deprived of the evidence, and when your hypothesis is the least valid, instead of the most likely," she said.

"The most likely hypothesis, in the case of Building 7, wasn’t even mentioned. This is not science. So the claim is that it’s something else? It’s trying to prove preconceived ideas."

Margulis, who appeared in a video made by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, gained wide honor for supplementing the theory of evolution with the concept of symbiosis. Before her death in 2011, she encouraged the work of David Ray Griffin, a renowned theologian and pioneer researcher on 9/11 disparities.

In early 2010, she wrote an article on Trade Center 7 posing the scientific problem:

"Why did three World Trade Center buildings (No. 1, No. 2 and No, 7) collapse on 9/11, after two (and only two) of them were hit by “hijacked airplanes”? The scientific answer, she wrote, is:
Because all three buildings were destroyed by carefully planned, orchestrated and executed controlled demolition. Ignited by incendiaries (such as thermate) and high explosives (including nanothermite), the steel columns were selectively melted in a brilliantly-timed controlled demolition. Two 110-story buildings (towers 1&2), plus one 47-floor building (WTC 7), were induced to collapse at gravitationally accelerated rates in an operation planned and carried out by insiders. The apparent hijacking of airliners and the crashing of them into the Twin Towers were intrinsic parts of the operation, which together provided a basis for claiming that the buildings were brought down by Muslim terrorists. The buildings’ steel columns, which would have provided irrefutable physical evidence of the use of explosives, were quickly removed from the scene of the crime.  
But much more difficult than the scientific question, she said, is the “science-education problem," Margulis, a member of Scientists for 9/11 Truth, wrote.

“The persistent problem is how to wake up public awareness, especially in the global scientifically literate public, of the overwhelming evidence that the three buildings collapsed by controlled demolition. . . . We, on the basis of hard evidence, must conclude that the petroleum fires related to the aircraft crashes were irrelevant (except perhaps as a cover story).”

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<i><small>Appendix K</i></small><br> Fox News: trumpet of Israel's hard right

This chapter contains a report that is now far out of date. But the theme remains on point. There has been an extensive campaign ...